Where is gay marriage permitted in the United States?

Where is gay marriage permitted in the United States?

More than half of Americans now live in States allowing same-sex marriage. Monday, October 6, the supreme Court of the United States High Court refused to comment on calls from five States, where laws prohibiting marriages between persons of the same sex had been declared invalid by federal appellate courts.

Gay couples can now marry in Utah, Indiana and Oklahoma (three very conservative States), as well as in Virginia and Wisconsin. Six other States should logically also be concerned by the decision of the supreme court, because they depend on the same courts as the other five (Colorado, Kansas, West Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Wyoming).

In total, 30 States should therefore in fact authorize same-sex marriage. Nothing prevents however the judges of the supreme court to take in the future of this issue, particularly if the Federal Court of appeal in Cincinnati (Ohio) declared valid the prohibition of gay marriage in the States under its jurisdiction.